Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 3rd Annual

Digital Biomanufacturing

Embracing Digital Transformation in Bioprocessing

August 26 - 27, 2020 ALL TIMES EDT

Big data and digital transformation are happening throughout the biologics processing and manufacturing space, where companies are looking to integrate data management and analytics, modeling, automation, machine learning and other AI tools to help optimize their processes. CHI’s 3rd Annual Digital Biomanufacturing conference invites industry forerunners to share their case studies on implementation of digital tools to enhance process robustness and product quality in areas such as supply chain, operations, quality, clinical development, process development and manufacturing, and to discuss challenges of integrating these tools and technologies within the biopharmaceutical field.

Wednesday, August 26


Oliver Hesse, Head, Biotech Data Science & Digitalization, Bayer U.S. LLC

We will present our approach to an integrated digital ecosystem that not only has process development in focus but the transition between development and manufacturing.

11:05 am Adverse Event Modeling of Biologics: Methodologies and Case Studies
Retsef Levi, PhD, J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor, Operations Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The complexity of biologic drug manufacturing and distribution introduces the potential for variation that could affect patient safety, yet little published literature exists studying the consistency of clinical outcomes at a large scale for biologics. Using public, lot-level adverse event (AE) reports for two major biologics and four major vaccines from the FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System, we estimate competing Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) to infer the most probable structure of the stochastic process generating observed AEs per lot. We find evidence of infrequent but persistent latent states with high AE risk, indicating dependence between AE counts for subsequent lots. Though we cannot yet rule out alternative explanations, these results are consistent with the hypothesis that manufacturing and distributions conditions effect AE report frequency. 

11:25 am AI-Based Predictive Analytics for Biomanufacturing with Case Studies
Fabian Mohr, MS, Graduate Researcher, Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Many powerful tools for process data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) have been developed in the last decade. This  presentation describes the application of such AI tools to
biopharmaceutical manufacturing. In particular, an approach to automated data analytics is described in which an expert system (aka “decision tree”) automatically selects the best methods based on a systematic interrogation of the characteristics of the dataset. This smart process data analytics approach is demonstrated in several biomanufacturing case studies.

11:45 am

Further Digital Integration in An Automated Continuous Downstream Processing System

Philip Corner, PhD, Scientist, Technical Lead, CPI Biologics

This presentation will cover the development of a fully automated and integrated continuous downstream platform with an overarching automated control system. This system of modular construction can be rapidly reconfigured and easily adapted for processing most products. Following on from successful demonstration of the system’s capability, expanded digital integration in the addition of real time model predictive/prescriptive maintenance is being implemented to further improve efficiencies in biologics manufacturing.

12:05 pm Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
12:35 pm LIVE Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Oliver Hesse, Head, Biotech Data Science & Digitalization, Bayer U.S. LLC
Retsef Levi, PhD, J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor, Operations Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fabian Mohr, MS, Graduate Researcher, Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Philip Corner, PhD, Scientist, Technical Lead, CPI Biologics
12:55 pm Refresh Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


1:50 pm Chairperson's Remarks
Dominic Clarke, PhD, ISCT Process & Product Committee Co-Chair and Global Head, Cell Therapy, HemaCare Corp.
1:55 pm Scaling Cell and Gene Therapy: Challenges and Opportunities in Process Development and Manufacturing
Susan Fugett Abu-Absi, PhD, Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development & Technology, bluebird bio, Inc.

The supply chain and manufacturing processes for autologous ex vivo gene therapies and engineered T-cell (e.g. CAR-T) products are complex. The rapid growth of the cell and gene therapy (CGT) field, coupled with the complexity of the products, has created an increasing challenge for manufacturers to scale to meet the needs of patients. This presentation will provide an overview of the process and analytical development and manufacturing challenges for CGT and opportunities for advancement.

2:20 pm The Future of Gene Therapy Technical Development
James Warren, PhD, Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development; Leader, Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Development, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical

In the past few years, several cell and gene therapy products have gained regulatory approval in the US and EU with many more in the pipeline. Manufacturers of gene therapy products must tackle technological challenges under the pressure of short timelines resulting from streamlined clinical development. This presentation will focus on the key technical development challenges facing the industry as product development programs move into the later stages of process development and scale-up, process performance qualification, and ultimately, commercialization.

2:45 pm LIVE Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Dominic Clarke, PhD, ISCT Process & Product Committee Co-Chair and Global Head, Cell Therapy, HemaCare Corp.
Susan Fugett Abu-Absi, PhD, Senior Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development & Technology, bluebird bio, Inc.
James Warren, PhD, Vice President, Pharmaceutical Development; Leader, Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Development, Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical
3:05 pm Happy Hour - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
3:30 pm Close of Day

Thursday, August 27


9:25 am Digital & Process Analytical Footprint in Real-Time Process Monitoring of Biologics Development
Dhanuka Wasalathanthri, PhD, Senior Scientist, Biologics Process Development, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.

Biologics process development architecture with real-time analytics is one of the key components of a successful roadmap for biomanufacturing 4.0 and real-time release initiatives. Realtime monitoring of biopharmaceutical development process entails strategic deployment of analytical technologies, and cyber physical systems for visualization & systematic data management. While in-line and on-line analytical sensors facilitate instant acquisition of data from bioprocesses; integration of automated data analysis, visualization and repository infrastructures enable holistic process monitoring and understanding. 

9:45 am Assessing What Your Cells Really Do: The Challenge in Digital Transformation of Bioprocessing
Anne Richelle, PhD, Senior Specialist, Metabolic Modeling, Global Vaccines, Technical R&D, GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines

The current focus on data-centric process development and optimization drives the awareness to purely data-driven digital approaches. However, these approaches easily fall short in unraveling the underlying system behavior. We propose to use management systems of existing biological knowledge to contextualize data, allowing to understand the mechanisms that govern specific phenotypes acquisition across organisms and conditions. We show that the development of systematic solutions for knowledge management is the key for impactful digital transformation of bioprocessing.

10:05 am Coffee Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


10:45 am Smart Digital Solutions for USP and DSP to Master Engineering Challenges towards Industry 4.0 in Biopharma
Michael Sokolov, PhD, Lecturer, ETH Zurich; Co-Founder and COO, DataHow AG

The presentation will address central challenges in digitalization and big data analytics in biopharma and will demonstrate the potential to systematically provide value through integration of smart digital technologies into the work stream. The presentation will be based on several industrial use cases in USP and DSP showing benefits from software-assisted and -enabled process monitoring, control, optimization and automation.

11:05 am

Strategies for Generation and Adaptation of Digital Twins

Christoph Herwig, PhD, Head Research Area Biochemical Engineering, TU Vienna

Digital twins are supposed to be the key enabler for knowledge management and the digital transformation of biomanufacturing. This contribution focuses on strategies to automatically derive hybrid digital twins and even more important to adapt them along the product life cycle to provide a platform technology. We will show case studies demonstrating multiple benefits of that approach: Optimization of productivity, streamlining process characterization and tech transfer acceleration.

11:25 am

Upgrading Biomanufacturing Processes with Fluorescent Nanosensors

Veeren Chauhan, MPharmS, MRSC, PhD, Research Fellow, Bioinspired Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham

Biochemical changes essential for cell growth occur within the sub-cellular spaces, for which there are no readily available technologies. Fluorescent nanosensors have the potential to address this challenge, due to their biocompatibility, accuracy and real-time measurement capabilities. They have already demonstrated their potential to quantify pH, molecular oxygen and temperature in complex model systems, such as the nematodes, fungi, stem cells and electronic devices. Therefore, exciting findings could be translated to augment cell and gene therapy manufacture.

11:45 am LIVE Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Michael Sokolov, PhD, Lecturer, ETH Zurich; Co-Founder and COO, DataHow AG
Christoph Herwig, PhD, Head Research Area Biochemical Engineering, TU Vienna
Veeren Chauhan, MPharmS, MRSC, PhD, Research Fellow, Bioinspired Therapeutics, School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham
Anne Richelle, PhD, Senior Specialist, Metabolic Modeling, Global Vaccines, Technical R&D, GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines
Dhanuka Wasalathanthri, PhD, Senior Scientist, Biologics Process Development, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.
12:05 pm Close of Digital Biomanufacturing Conference
12:05 pm Lunch Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall